The Magic Word : PLEASE

The Magic Word: Please

If I tell you to share this article as soon as you read it, will you be doing so?

On a daily basis we all are asked, told or requested to do so many things?
How many of them do you actually do? How often do you ask, tell or request others to do tasks whether for you or for themselves?

If you were to do an analysis on the actions taken based on what has been asked, told or requested you will realize that whenever you politely request or have been politely requested the chances of getting the task done is much higher.

So what is the magic word? It is nothing but a simple "Please".

Please do this. Can you please do that? .Please help me. Can I have it, please? Please ensure its done. Please this, please that...

How many of us use it as often it is supposed to be used?

Imagine your parents requesting you :
Please do not watch TV. Please clean up your room. Please do not party late into the night. Please do not be naughty. Please tell the truth.

Imagine your teachers requesting you:
Please do your homework. Please do not copy in the exams. Please study daily. Please sit quietly in class.

Imagine your boss requesting you:
Please complete this task today. Please reply to my email immediately. Please go home as soon as you finish your work. Or even, please come to work on this weekend.

Imagine your spouse requesting you:
Please come home early. Please do the dishes. Please iron my clothes. Please cook dinner tonight.

So does it make a difference? Does it make motivate you to do something which otherwise you would not take initiative to do? So let us try to use this as much as we can and see how much difference it makes to us and the people around us.

So please forgive me for asking you to share my article in the beginning without saying the magic word.

Now can I PLEASE ask you to share my article? Thank you.

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